Tim Timsen TMSN Bruchhaus
Producer, Artist, Singer, DJ, Actor, Creative Head, Soul Surfer
His ability to transform emotions into sound with the intension of bringing people together, to entertain and to inspire them, the talent to see everything with the aesthetic eye of a designer, the dream to leave this world a little better than he found it by expressing love, desire and hope, talking about joy and pain in life …. This is the story of TMSN and what he – personally and multimedia wise – puts out in this world.
His motivation is, always, to create something that is new, different and surprising. Something that reaches the soul, that bonds and achieves an unforeseen depth. Creative stuff, that touches the heart and also encourages you to think or even laugh about it.
Thanks to everyone who has read so far and may see himself reflected in those words or in the art.
„Art does not reproduce what we see, it rather makes us see.“ (Paul Klee)